Kehillat Ma'arav

1715 21st Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 / (310) 829-0566

Community-wide Mitzvah Day with PATH

February 26, 2023, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

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We will partner with PATH- People Assisting the Homeless, a local organization that addresses the critical human needs of Los Angeles’ houseless residents. With busy hands and full hearts, our goal is to assemble 200 hygiene kits and 200 snack bags for them to distribute immediately.

Mitzvah Day requires YOUR help! Kehillat Ma’arav will furnish all packaged items, donated by you, our caring congregation, and we’ll also be providing the “person power” to pull everything together on the morning of Sunday, February 26.

This is a meaningful and enjoyable mitzvah, one that is suitable for ALL ages and abilities. We invite you to come and join our efforts and bring your friends.

Please see the list of needed items, below. We hate to be sticklers on this, but we can only accept the items below to ensure our kits are uniform in size and packed items. All items should be delivered to KM by Friday, February 23 at 3pm or brought to the event on Sunday, February 26.


THANK YOU, in advance, for participating in this social action project.