1715 21st Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404 / (310) 829-0566
November 20, 2022, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Kehillat Ma’arav
1715 21st St
Santa Monica, CA 90404
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Please join us in our annual community mitzvah program!
Once again, our Religious School is heading up a Community-Wide Hanukkah Gift Drive for Chai Lifeline Hanukkah Angels.
What it is:
Chai Lifeline is a chance for you and your family to “adopt” a child with a serious life-threatening illness, or a family member with a serious illness, and help them celebrate Hanukkah.
What we will do:
As a Hanukkah Angel, you and your family will shop for gifts off of a child’s wish list (which we provide) in time for Hanukkah (see below for timeframe).
As an Angel you get to choose how many and what presents you would like to purchase from your child’s wish list. This wish list serves as a guide and there are no expectations placed on you.
Your family is partnered with a family in need. Spend what you wish! It could
be $10 – $100 — no amount is too great or too small.
Remember, this is a wish list!
We need your Commitment ASAP!
Please contact Sharone Weizman eddirector@km-synagogue.org if you would like to be a Hannukah Angel.
Save the date to come together!
Religious School Hosted Community-Wide Ohr L’Olam Gift Wrapping Program – Sunday, November 20th at 11am.